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Contours of people sitting and discussing at the table

Happy to workWork to be happy

Positive workshops and trainings for companies

Take care of your employees in an innovative way

What do I do?

Optymisja was founded in 2015 and it is the only company in Poland offering workshops on humour, positive psychology and optimism.

The company mission is to improve the quality of a workplace and work relationships in a new original way combing education with entertainment. The workshops we offer are based on the latest research on workplace humour and positive psychology tradition.


So far Optymisja has run over 200 workshops for represenatives of different professions and all age groups. We ran workshops online and offline, one-off and cyclical, in Polish and in English.

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What is positive psychology?

Positive psychology concerns what is right with us instead of what is wrong with us which is the focus of general psychology. Positive psychology focuses on the strengths of character and encourages us to develop them. It's often called a study of happiness, because positive psychology attempts to answer the questions such as: "What makes us happy?" and refutes many stereotypes about e.g. money or power guaranteeing a happy life. What is more, positive psychology promotes well being and good relationships in both private and professional life.

people laughing

How do I use my knowledge of humor?

Understanding how humour functions helps me prepare a variety of workshop materials, games and tasks for the participants. Humour is among others a tool for integration, conflict resolution, brand building or stress release. When participants attend Optymisja's workshops, they have an opportunity to familiarise with and test a strategic humour which is humour designed for a specific purpose e.g. marketing or relaxation. The goal of workshops is not just to entertain the participants but also engage them in the discussion and inspire them to reflect on the meaning of workplace humour.

people debating
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