Who am I?

Hi, my name is Maria Kmita
Professionally, I deal with humour and positive psychology. As part of the Optymisja:
In 2024 I got awarded the Optymist of the Year!
My fascination with humour started when I was toothless and short.
my parents created a very cheerful atmosphere at our home. We were banned from watching anything but comedy. We were constantly encouraged to play around. We made pranks, came up with original nicknames, organised fake fights , slid on the cushions from the stairs. My dad's challenge and aim was to familiarise us and toughen us up with humour.
It's rather hard to forget how our dad:
- barked at passersby via intercom and observed their reaction through the window
- paid with Donald Duck money in shops and claimed the money was good as he had just printed it
- signed my sick note as "Lord of the farts"
Now you understand why I do what I do for living.

How do I know what I know about humour?
Both my Master's and doctoral thesis concerned the importance of workplace humour. After completing my PhD at Plymouth University (England), I completed an Erasmus internship and cooperated with Professor Libura to learn more about humour functions. In 2015 I started my own business (Optymisja) teaching about the power of humour.
Since 2017 I have been running my own course about Humour and Positive psychology at Wroclaw University of Medicine. To my knowledge, it's the only such course worldwide.
Since 2019 I have been a member of The Association for Applied and Therapeutic Humor (AATH).
In 2019 myself and few other researchers received an educational grant for "Laughter and health" project.Soon afterwards Optymisja became a partner Of WCRS. In 2022 I published two books, started a podcast Optymisja and co-created (with Małgorzata Jasionek) an Instagram profile with humorous cartoons. I also have published several research articles on humour in the last couple of years.
Since 2017 I have been running my own course about Humour and Positive psychology at Wroclaw University of Medicine. To my knowledge, it's the only such course worldwide.
See also:
How do I spend my free time?
I watch comedies and stand-ups, of course. I read only positive and funny books. I also, along with Małgorzata Jasionek run a humorous profile on Instagram called poprawczak.nastroju.
I am also a seasoned nap expert/ dedicated siesta enthusiast. I enjoy lively music, strong tea and Silesian potato dumplings.
— Maria Kmita