Our offer

Positive workplace
Are you worried about employee burnout? Or maybe you want to integrate your team? Do you want your workplace to be more positive and employees more engaged?

You don't always run to work dancing and singing with joy, however our workshops can help to reactivate your team , strengthening their resilience and equipping them with innovative tools to combat stress and work burnout.
Everyone dreams not just about having a job but also enjoying it. Humour is a factor that makes us enjoy our work. Interestingly, implementing positive psychology at a workplace brings exactly the same benefits. Thus, why not combine humour studies with the rules of positive psychology?
Optymisja workshops are based on the latest research in both fields in order to introduce a positive change in your workplaces.
All our workshops
Dream Team - sleep hygiene
- tips to fall asleep faster
- knowledge about the influence of sleep on our health and work quality
- knowledge about sleep hygiene
- greater productivity and creativity of employees
- reduction of tiredness-related errors
- improved work atmosphere and company image
A. Theory
- how sleep impacts our mental health
- how sleep impacts our physical health
- how sleep affects our work and learning
- sleep hygiene - how to take care of both quality and quantity of our sleep
- variety of sleep problems
B. Practice
- melissa and lavender
- breathing techniques
- visualisations
- nature sounds and classical music
- ear plugs and sleep mask
Communication workshops: Positive work relationships
- improved communication and cooperation
- more positive attitude to work
- creative thinking
- higher productivity
- fewer conflicts
A. Theory
- the dynamics of the interaction between the new employees and the rest of the staff
- the value of positive communication and humour in establishing relationships with the new employees
- the importance of positive rituals from welcome parties to team integration events
B. Practice
Humour, conflicts and work burnout
- more positive and rational approach to work challenges
- improved wellbeing
- creating healthy habits
- more control over stress
- higher productivity
- improved company image
A. Theory
- potential sources of stress
- types of conflicts
- work burnout symptoms
- the importance of humour as a natural coping mechanism
- humour potential in preventing work burnout
- wellbeing indicators
B. Practice
Humour in sales and marketing
- creativity practice
- improved communication with clients
- satisfaction
- developing innovativity
- improved company image
A. Theory
- strategic role of humour in attracting new clientele
- the advantages of positive marketing language
- positive and effective examples of humour use by different brands and companies
B. Practice
Motivation workshop: A brief course of optimism
- more control over own wellbeing
- improved communication with clients and co-workers
- a sense of self-agency
- improved atmosphere at work
- better company image
- decreased employee turnover
A. Theory
- the bascis of positive psychology
- the advantages of implementing positive psychology at a workplace
- the advantages of positive communication and positive thinking in different situations
B. Practice
Motivation workshop: Workplace reactivation
- improved wellbeing
- improved communication and cooperation
- optimal usage of the existing space and work time
- developing innovativity
- improved image
- decreased employee turnover
- preventing work burnout
A. Theory
- personalisation of work space
- smarter use of staff rooms and common spaces
- smarter use of lunch breaks
B. Practice
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